We film, host, and market your online courses
with no upfront cost!
Why Create A Course?:
Residual Revenue:
The biggest advantage of being a Secret Sauce Course instructor is that you will make residual income from people taking your courses.
Become A Thought Leader:
As people see your courses, it will reinforce your personal brand and position yourself as an authority. This thought leadership can benefit all aspects of your business and open up all types of revenue sources.
Affiliate Sales:
If your skills require your customers to acquire certain equipment, we can sell those devices on your course’s web page, which will lead to an increase of affiliate sales.
Why Secret Sauce Courses?:

No Risk:
We film, host, and market your course completely for free and then share a portion of the sales. With this revenue share model, the only way we make money is if you do. These services paid upfront easily costing $100k+ are now no longer a concern. Both parties are now equally incentivized as well to make the course a success.
Turn Key Service:
We work with you through the ENTIRE online course creation process. From pre production script creation to a check coming to your door every month we will be there fro you every step of the way.